Our Approach


When most consulting firms are hired, they begin the process by coming into your company’s office, interviewing some people, leaving, and coming back with a thick report that tells you what to do. On the surface, this sounds fine…but in order for this approach to generate real value, one fundamental premise must be true: the consultant must know your business better than you do. At K Carpenter Associates, we think it’s far more likely that savvy, experienced professionals like yourselves who have spent a career in a specific industry know the business better than a group of outsiders who have only been investigating your situation for a few weeks. If you’re struggling with a complex problem, it is not because you lack expertise in your business, it is simply because you are not experts in deconstructing complex problems. We are. In order to help you navigate these problems, our expertise is focused on helping clients gain clarity in difficult situations by steering them around the traps and pitfalls that characterize complexity.

Our approach involves the following:

  • We make sure that all stakeholders’ objectives are understood and that the tradeoffs between competing objectives are discussed and evaluated.
  • We facilitate the framing of the problem so that everyone understands the situation and the entire context, including the cause and effect of downside threats and the critical elements that create upside potential.
  • Our “divide and conquer” approach makes sure that all issues are categorized and dealt with appropriately.
  • We push your team to generate creative strategic alternatives, and then we reach into our evaluation toolbox to assess each of those alternatives – qualitatively and/or quantitatively – against your objectives.
  • We characterize uncertainties so you understand the range of possible outcomes associated with each strategic alternative.
  • From the insights gleaned in the process, we work with you to optimize the final strategy or create a hybrid that is better than any of the ones considered; this includes a solid risk mitigation plan and option thinking to capture upside value that might otherwise be missed.
  • Finally, we coach you through the implementation stage and any change management issues that may arise.

The end result is a homegrown strategy, one that fits your corporate culture, embodies your company’s strengths, and creates significant competitive advantages. Your team will rally around such a strategy because they created it. We were just the catalyst.